If you keep on thinking about how bad luck you're as you go along, you will keep on thinking about it at the end of the day instead of making another way to overthrown such feelings. Take all the things in you as your strength and you will see how it will work.
Lets take an example: A man got a funny face (literally funny face, some sort of exotic that you will laugh as soon as you got a glimpse at it) he was teased all the way until the end of the day. Think about the consequences that would happen to this man if he thing about how "bad luck" is his face that all of the people laugh at him, nothing happens just making your own way of frustrating and killing yourself. If he use that "funny face" look as his advantages instead of disadvantages, like sending himself to a comedy bar that can make him famous or in the carnival with his "killer moves" in front of the crowd.
The truth is that the "Bad luck" feeling is just our own illusion and such illusion is like a medical disease that can be cured if one's wanted to be cured.
Another thing is that, people understand things better when they are struggling, when they're loosing, when they are failing. Mistakes are not as "Bad luck" as we think, it is the best teacher and the worst killer if we use it not in the way it was used to be. If you lost in a battle, don't think about the word "Lost" think about the reason why in the heck you lost in this little weaklings.
People will no longer look to another side if they're in the sense of glory. Rich people will not going to take their steps back to the lowest level of society to eat a rat, however poor will likely to take their steps up to eat rice. Think about the logic between the words. It was on you if you will keep on thinking about your "Bad Luck" there is always counter-strike on each strikes of our life.
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