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This is the official and the final personal blog site of Jay San Juan. Take it or leave it, post it or tag it, selfie or group pic, murder or suicide. Anything you wanted to know, if you wanted to know is here. To cut the shit, this site provides some bits of logical life teachings that sometimes ignores by our own senses, this is a compilation of Jay San Juan self taught teachings. Contact us for any suggestion of topics if there is any problem concerning about your reading experience here on this plain white site.
Let me write the words I tell, for I to show it and sell. I don't want to make it fell on the ground as well. So I put it in papers for real, to inspire and to feel other people who lives around the wheel. For I exist not for myself but for the people who needs in help but I'm just a man in kelp so I put it in the words instead

The Fault in Men

Written By Juan Dimasalang on Saturday, January 3, 2015 | 1:39 AM

There is no road sign in life roads. Life roads with sign isn't life roads but roads alone

We are in a journey with no precise destination and such destination can be found on the way while we walk on our path created either by our own or by others who orders us to walk and take that path instead of ours. Not just like on the roads, there are instructions, there are directions, there are routes, but in real life roads there is no such things as that. Signs ins't needed to guide us, either instructions how do drive safely, it is another way of killing our own freedom, our own unique destination and that is the fault in men.
They guide us not on the way of being liberal on our own thoughts but they guide us as if they controls our journey, they didn't know that, they just thought it wasn't like that. Probably if they see the fact about that. perhaps they may figure out that their mere existence are inevitable and they lived not on their own but in the minds of others. It is true that slavery works better without people knowing that they are. We are all slaves on the minds of the greater people who keep us under the sense of ignorance.
Since we are born people taught us that what is being given in the school will make us free from slavery and that the knowledge will make us liberal, a very unique individual in the crowd--probably most of you asked to be in the top class just to be a proof that you are different. But that isn't different at all, what makes someone different is to think that they are not different even knowing that they are.
The knowledge given in the school are knowledge not to set us free but to make us either to be in the crowd or to be differenrt.
If the school taught us to be liberal then probably we are not relying on the crowd, in the food given to us by the market, maybe we can find our own foods and look for alternatives rather than asking for such product from the capitalist, maybe we can make things without waiting, maybe we are all humans. The school taught us the ignorance of knowledge, we are numb in the real feelings, we are deaf in the music of silence but we blame all of these to others.
The fault of the men is that we keep ourselves in the open prison and convinces ourselves that the greatest place is right where we are and the school taught us to stop believing in fairytales, to search for something in the depths of darkness, to live deliberately in search of something significant.
The Fault in our stars is us.


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