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This is the official and the final personal blog site of Jay San Juan. Take it or leave it, post it or tag it, selfie or group pic, murder or suicide. Anything you wanted to know, if you wanted to know is here. To cut the shit, this site provides some bits of logical life teachings that sometimes ignores by our own senses, this is a compilation of Jay San Juan self taught teachings. Contact us for any suggestion of topics if there is any problem concerning about your reading experience here on this plain white site.
Let me write the words I tell, for I to show it and sell. I don't want to make it fell on the ground as well. So I put it in papers for real, to inspire and to feel other people who lives around the wheel. For I exist not for myself but for the people who needs in help but I'm just a man in kelp so I put it in the words instead

For Thyself I see

Written By Juan Dimasalang on Friday, January 17, 2014 | 7:30 AM

Jay Rickson San Juan

Heart leaves no space for glee
That pours at thyself in smile
Too far I see in hundred mile
Lips are closed like lavender bile

Way to soul never it ends
Even hazel I see that trends
Thou see nor perceive as it lends
The innermost I see that rests

Employs down thy heart countless piece
Like thy doorway in greater peace
Hides the sound underneath the trees
Now it flies wonderful in breeze

Thou entire surreal i see
Soul let it rest and let it plea
Dancing as they do in glee
Thyself let me be safe in lee

I write this poem defining how a perfect girl can be defined, from her personality, her physical beauty and her attitude that influence others in greater cost. Some of my friends ignores how i made up the lines in very unusual way. Well, don't blame me for that, i was so inspired by the poets back in the old times (We can see that in the library and in your English textbook)
This is dedicated to every girl who read this, written by a man a story on how he defines the girl that he loves. I was inspired from the old movies that gives a sensible happy ending that we do not believe in these days.


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