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This is the official and the final personal blog site of Jay San Juan. Take it or leave it, post it or tag it, selfie or group pic, murder or suicide. Anything you wanted to know, if you wanted to know is here. To cut the shit, this site provides some bits of logical life teachings that sometimes ignores by our own senses, this is a compilation of Jay San Juan self taught teachings. Contact us for any suggestion of topics if there is any problem concerning about your reading experience here on this plain white site.
Let me write the words I tell, for I to show it and sell. I don't want to make it fell on the ground as well. So I put it in papers for real, to inspire and to feel other people who lives around the wheel. For I exist not for myself but for the people who needs in help but I'm just a man in kelp so I put it in the words instead

Human Perception

Written By Juan Dimasalang on Sunday, January 26, 2014 | 8:38 PM

Human perception differs from one another but there is
something in common
Lack of idea interpretation is one of the main concern today. Our perception do the job in analyzing this data from sensation collected using our senses from the information/data/stimuli in our environment.
The interpretation tends to give our mind an option to make decision. However our perception works not so well, the mind will be confused by the option given by the perception. Therefore committing mistakes in a certain situation.
Perception is the logical system that organize the data from the sensation to make conclusion. It can be improved through the process of learning and adopting certain kind of thinking (this is self thought, and self learned stuff, each individual have unique things to learn about--not standard and specific lesson). Human have different capability in their perception, however this isn't one of the thing that can make our perception weak. Human can surpass their own limit through their own desire. That makes and define a individual from an individual; human as human from animal with lower cognitive social intelligence.
The main concern in the perception weakness is the idea/knowledge of the mind (learned by certain individual) that process and makes ones decision. Therefore, the people, the society and the entire community that influence a man can make ones perception weak or strong. Such idea of improving can't  be done if the society itself have its weak foundations in establishing each perception of the individual. Even though, if ones society foundations is weak, there is a tendency that any individual on that community can improved, with ones self-improving capability.
All of the people rely on their community and there are less that can make their own kind of perception and yet relying on the community in the same time. We all do rely, ones proof is the belief of our ancestor in certain idea and knowledge.
Human mind today are literally weak to make decision, the stupidity is epidemic in the people. Well correct me if i'm wrong, Psychology and learning a human behavior didn't need to be so firm to understand, it just need to be you!


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