A Typical set up in a Mall in an ordinary day in just observing the people around, you can learn about the society itself, the behavior and the entire society pattern of a community. |
An individual must act in the nature of the society for it is the only idea that dominates in the minds of the people. The nature of the society stands as the foundations to recognize ones to another. However some of that society deviates from the shades of the nature, they live far from the nature, therefore sullen, slipping and fidgeted mind in the community. They are considered as different from the idea recognize by the society. The people are self-help individuals, they improve in their own, live on their own and breath on their own. Some of them grow, some of them sunken below the society who betrayed them, butchered in his ideas, forgotten on his own sense, living below the lives that God intended for a man to live. However above from this person's tragedy, there are divided person/individual who survives and flares in the dim of light opposing and changing the society for better. Some of them stands great, some of them live on their own and accept the flow of the nature in the society, there are person who decide to be like others, forgetting his own nature eaten in the abyss of the society's mind. Great person, stands, influence and take a firm beliefs on his own nature, thus changing the nature of the society in great cost, rejuvinate and hides in the persona, a mask to be recognize by the society, to be accepted and to blend in. They remain as their nature tells them, but they lived in lies for themselves, for they hate their own, abandoning the nature that identifies them in the middle of the society. Hating ones nature is a betrayal of ones identity, betraying the entire self and individuality. Forgetting their own existence, they are the living dead that to be live when remembered. However most of the jumps and change to the nature of the society transforming themselves and killing their own identity, giving in the nature-falling down the abyss. He crumble for her let others destroys their foundations, he let them dominates their idea. He did not fight, he leave the battlefield in fear of losing. He is weak, he is worst than the peole who let the nature of the society be theirs.
Stand on what you believe, fight for your won idea, your own identity
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