There are only two options, one take that chance and explore the possibilities beyond or two run away and have your own life, nothing change, nothing to happen. |
Personal Chances in our decision in Life
Not all things comes randomly, there is a pattern we just didn't know it how it goes. And there are times when this "things" comes to us either it is unexpectedly or unintentional , and that is we called chances. The chances which can be a turnout in such events of your life, or can change what you expected in the future, or change the way how you think about the things in life. The possibilities are endless beyond that certain chances that pops out in the universe, we can look at that or just leave it there-ignored.
This chances comes in a great reason to throw you back in the line but there are chances that can drive you off that trail. That "Negative" Chances that cross in every human's life makes a fear inside us that can entirely throw us off that path and make us in a place where we are not moving at all, with no direction you're just standing there all day or worst until you die. Fear can be the barrier in having a good life, we are all in great fear of the new things that makes us to be left behind the trails of the others. We're afraid of it knowing that we would be lost in that "New Things" where we can have no direction at all. However such negativism of thoughts will make you idle in one point with no progress as you walk on that trail of yours heading on that direction that you've dreamed of. Fear will break you down and hinders you from the possibilities of doing things better than what you do things right now.
There are a lot of chances, a lot of chances that we missed and lost forever. Some of them comes back, some of them comes again and again, and some of them stays for little time until they're gone. However there is no assurance if such chances will come out again so better grab it when it is hot before it becomes cold and useless. Every Chances have its own consequences but if we look at that consequences rather than the possibility of taking that chances into action, we may found ourself in fear and in boredom of life
Giving Chances to others
Chances didn't come up in the mid-air without anyone placing it right there. There are events that may throw you in the situation in which you will choose if that chances in front of you will be better or worse to your side. As i said, things didn't come randomly- we can understand it in better view using the Chaos Pattern. Anyway, giving chances to the others is optional to your side, you can create a kind of chance to this kind of person or to that kind of person it is upon your consent.
Some of us deprives other people right to be given a chances which makes a border between Psychological aspects in socializing or interacting between two individuals. Either it is cause by fear because we experience such thing in the past or just a fear in nothing (we don't have a clue on the consequences or any idea what will happen aftermath). Whatever the reason is, giving a chance to someone is giving yourself a huge possibilities in life. However, giving a chance is not a simply thing like giving a lolipop or a yellow cab pizza to the poor, we need to be rational in our excuses that define our decision upon that situation. Ask yourself if your decision is rational enough to answer all of your question, if not, then it is not rational according to your idea. Not because you feel bad about it, it makes a firm foundation that you're rational on your decision.
Most of the people dares not to think rationally because it consumes a lot of time, they could have spend it to their pleasures to fulfill their satisfaction. Their mindset are like "Oh i have this feeling, i'm not doing that" feeling is not a good basis of decision. Why? because feeling is not constant (More if you're so irrational in thinking, better not base all the things to feelings), you sometimes feel wrong but you think you're happy, we misjudge our own feelings, how can that be so trustworthy? They sometimes head on giving chances to the wrong person and hoping for the best that their expectations will come to reality. It is the main reason why a person give a chance to a wrong person, because they know what will happen even though it is irrational basis in giving someone a chance.
Chances carry a lot of possibilities, we may have some clue in it but the consequences beyond that are endless (you can choose anything from it) more than our expectations. It is a countless chances that may lead you to another chances that can open another door for you. Life knowing what is the outcome of the effort is a life with no thrill and adventure. We may taking some wrong chances, but please don't make it stop you from taking Chances again, learn from it don't let the fear hinders you.
Life is an endless possibilities you just need to explore and look for the better life that you can say it is "Uniquely yours"